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Our Founding

In 1998 it became increasingly clear that imposing new taxes on the Internet could seriously stunt its growth and development.

Responding to this threat, Congress enacted a three-year moratorium on new Internet taxes and appointed the Advisory Commission On Electronic Commerce (ACEC) to study the issue and make legislative recommendations on future Internet tax policy.

In 2000, the ACEC met to determine whether or not the moratorium should be renewed. NoInternetTax.org was formed to educate and inform Americans what was at stake during the moratorium renewal process.

Our Mission

It is our mission to protect the Internet and consumers from burdensome regulations and unnecessary taxation that only serve to stifle its potential growth. As such, we believe:

NoInternetTax.org believes that the moratorium on Internet access and discretionary taxes should be made permanent.

NoInternetTax.org believes that taxes on Internet access are regressive by nature and only serve to widen the Digital Divide.

NoInternetTax.org believes that the United Nations, World Trade Organization and European Union have no right to try to impose or collect taxes on U.S. citizens.

NoInternetTax.org believes that the Streamlined Sales Tax Proposal, support by the National Governor’s Association, is unconstitutional and violates consumer privacy through its “national collection center” which stores personal information and Internet shopping habits.

Past efforts

NoInternetTax.org launched an unprecedented e-mail education campaign that informed millions of Americans about the pending decision.

NoInternetTax.org was responsible for hundreds of thousands of e-mails and letters that the nineteen Commission members received encouraging them to renew the moratorium.

After intense political pressure by NoInternetTax.org and other concerned groups, the ACEC submitted their report to Congress, recommending the renewal of the moratorium.

On June 14, 2001, Senate negotiators announced that they reached a deal that would extend the current moratorium on new Internet taxes until 2006.

Next steps

With the extension of the moratorium, the problem is solved ... right?

No. The new Internet Tax Freedom Act opens the door to taxation and regulation of the Internet.

It gives states two years to devise a piecemeal system to “streamline” their own tax structures or subscribe to a national “cartel” tax collection system.

We believe that both of these systems are wrong and we will be working to educate consumers across America.

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